EGFR+ UK Thames Walk

On Saturday 18th May, over 60 EGFR+ patients and loved ones joined together to walk part of the iconic South Bank in London. We gathered from all corners of the UK in a joint effort to raise awareness of and funds for EGFR+UK.

EGFR+ UK members enjoying our Thames River Walk, 18th May 2024

We collectively met under the giant 8ft EGFR+UK flag in Jubilee Gardens, in the shadows of the magnificent London Eye. We came donned with umbrellas and waterproofs, expecting the worst but the weather was very kind to us. There was much chatter and laughter as we caught up with old friends and met new friends.

Before long, we set off, following Sarah, who very heroically carried the 8ft flag the whole way from Jubilee Gardens to St. Katherine's Dock. We were a formidable force - 60 people connected in a common cause - walking along the River Thames, sharing experiences and stories. The sense of camaraderie was powerful and at times breathtaking. Crossing Tower Bridge with EGFR+UK flag flying high and proud was one of the most memorable moments, and one I will always remember.

When we arrived at St. Katherine's Dock, we spent some time mooching around and grabbed a bite to eat. Then it was off again...

Alan, one of our members, proved to be a fabulous local guide. He led us back to the South Bank along the North-side of the river. We meandered through back streets and alleyways - passing St. Paul's Cathedral and unknown Victorian arcades. One highlight of the walk had to be experiencing the ethereal spine-tingling sound of a choral choir coming from St. Mary-le-Bow Church.

21,000 steps and nine miles later we all said goodbye and went our separate ways...North, South, East and West...

It was a truly magical day, one that I will remember for a long, long time.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us, whether in person or virtually. We have already raised an incredible amount of money (£4,000 at the last count) and the sponsorship is still coming in!

Natasha Loveridge, Marketing Trustee