Fundraising Policy


EGFR Positive UK currently receives donations through members’ contribution, fundraising through crowd funding platforms and grants from pharmaceutical and other companies and foundation/trusts. This policy outlines the principles and procedures that the Charity follows to ensure that all fundraising activities are ethical, transparent, and compliant with UK laws and regulations. The policy aims to protect the integrity of the Charity, safeguard the interests of our donors, and ensure that funds are raised in a manner consistent with our mission.


This policy applies to all trustees, staff, volunteers, and third parties involved in fundraising activities on behalf of the Charity. 

principles of fundraising

  • Ethical Standards 
    - All fundraising activities must be conducted in a manner that upholds the dignity of our beneficiaries and protects their privacy and rights. 
    - EGFR Positive UK is committed to honest and transparent communication with donors, ensuring that all representations of our work and use of funds are accurate and truthful. 
    - We will not engage in any fundraising practices that could be considered exploitative, coercive, or misleading. 

  • Legal Compliance 
    - All fundraising activities will comply with relevant UK legislation, including but not limited to the Charities Act 2011, the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice, and data protection laws (GDPR). 
    - The Charity will ensure that all necessary licenses and permissions are obtained for fundraising activities such as street collections, lotteries, and events.

  • Donor Rights 
    - Donors have the right to be informed about the Charity mission, how their donation will be used, and our capacity to use donations effectively. 
    - Donors' personal data will be treated in accordance with GDPR, and donors will have the opportunity to opt out of future communications. 
    - We will respect the wishes of donors who wish to remain anonymous and ensure their anonymity is maintained. 

fundraising practices

  •  Direct Donations & Grants 
    - The Charity will receive direct donations from its members or their families. These will be contributed through its online  portal managed currently by CAF. GiftAid declarations , as applicable must be collected by CAF, claims made to HMRC and transfer the same to the Charity as and when received, net of agreed fees. 

    - The Charity will not be involved in legacy fundraising including providing a will making service. However, the Charity may accept fund raisers or donations in memory of deceased members or their family. 

    - The Charity will also solicit the support of corporates, especially from pharmaceutical companies and other registered foundations and trusts in the form of grants and sponsorship of events.

  • Fundraising Platforms 

    - The Charity has registered with certain fundraising platforms like CAF, Just Giving, Much Loved etc. Before engaging these platforms, the Charity will conduct due diligence to ensure that these partners adhere to our ethical standards and legal requirements. Fees involved must be agreed with clear understanding of charges for the services and reporting requirements.  

    - The Charity has the approval for GiftAid from HMRC. The Charity will inform and register with HMRC the respective fundraising platform as its agent. It will be the responsibility of the platform to  obtain necessary GiftAid declarations, periodic recovery of GiftAid claim from HMRC, providing of donor details ( as provided by donor)  and transfer the GiftAid amounts  to the Charity after deducting agreed fees. 
    -  The Charity will not directly engage with professional fundraisers or commercial participators.  

  • Community Fundraising 

    - The members of the Charity may from time to time choose to raise funds on behalf of the Charity. When any such fund-raiser is organised in the name of the Charity, the concerned member will approach the Marketing Trustee providing details of the fund-raiser, including the name of the fundraising platform, period of the fund-raiser activity, particular purpose for utilisation, if specific and seek approval.  

    - The fund-raiser in all such cases should be preferably through our registered fund-raiser platforms. Use of the Charity’s logo, or any marketing material can be done only after written permission to do so. All proceeds of the fund-raiser must be transferred to the Charity as soon as possible after the event. The concerned sponsor will also encourage to make GiftAid declarations, wherever applicable. 

    - The Charity will ensure that all fundraising communications, including appeals and marketing materials, are clear, accurate, and not misleading. The concerned member sponsoring the fund-raiser must ensure that all regulations are adhered to, including the privacy of the concerned donors. 

    - By providing the information as above, the concerned sponsor will authorise the Charity to use the details for any fundraising communication including disclosure in the Charity’s reports and follow up on status. 

    - The Charity’s insurance policy will not cover any fund-raising activities, unless specifically agreed.  

  • Event Fundraising 
    - Fundraising events, if undertaken  must be carefully planned and managed to ensure compliance with legal requirements, health and safety standards, and best practices in financial management. 
    - A risk assessment will be conducted for all fundraising events to mitigate potential risks to participants and the charity.

  • Use of Donations 
    - All donations will be used solely for the purposes for which they were given, unless the donor has agreed to a reallocation of funds. 
    - Restricted funds will be accounted for separately and will only be used for their designated purpose. 

strategy and financial transparency

  •  Annual Planning 

    Before the beginning of a financial year, the Trustees will plan the schedule of activities and the sources of funding them. This will be aligned to the Fundraising Strategy of the Charity. 

  • Accounting and Reporting 

    -The Charity will maintain accurate records of all fundraising income and expenditure. 
    - Annual reports may include detailed information on fundraising activities, including income generated, expenditure, and how funds have been used. 

  • Costs of Fundraising 
    - The will ensure that fundraising costs are reasonable and proportionate to the income generated. 

complaints and feedback

  •  Handling Complaints 
    - The Charity will have a clear and accessible process for handling complaints related to fundraising activities. 
    - All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated promptly, with appropriate action taken to address any issues raised. 

  • Feedback 
    - Feedback from donors and the public is welcomed and will be used to improve our fundraising practices. 
    - We will regularly review and update our fundraising policy and practices in response to feedback and changes in the regulatory environment. 

Campaigning and Fundraising

  • Purpose-Aligned Campaigning: Ensure campaigns support our goals, are conducted respectfully and within regulatory bounds.

  • Transparent Fundraising: Communicate clearly about the use of funds, adhering to the Code of Fundraising guidelines of the charity.

governance and review

  •   Trustees’ Oversight 
    - The Board of Trustees will have overall responsibility for the governance of fundraising activities and ensure compliance with this policy. 
    - Regular reports on fundraising activities will be presented to the Trustees, including any issues or risks that have arisen. 

    - Any conflicts in interest must be declared by trustees and volunteers. 

16th September 2024

EGFR+ UK Policies


conflict of interest policy - READ MORE

regional ambassadors policy - READ MORE

code of conduct policy - READ MORE

trustee expenses policy - READ MORE

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