Code of Conduct Policy

General Conduct

Trustees/volunteers/employees should:

  • Conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner which does not damage or undermines the reputation of the Charity.

  • Avoid actual impropriety and any appearance or improper behaviour.

  • Act with honesty and integrity and exercise good judgement which may include seeking professional advice on appropriate matters on which they do not have relevant skills and experience.

  • Always act in the best interest of the Charity.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Trustees should understand and perform their roles and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

  • Be an active trustee and be prepared to provide the agreed time and commitments as required to fulfil the role, preparing and participating in meetings and events when required.

  • Attend all Board and operational meetings, giving apologies ahead of time to the Chair if unable to attend.

  • Respect authority of the Chair and their role as meeting leader.

  • Listen with open mind alternate viewpoints, express dissent where necessary without conflict and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the Charity.

  • Fulfil responsibilities assigned at the meetings or elsewhere and report back on progress as per agreed time schedule.

  • Maintain confidentiality about business conducted within the meetings or decisions taken by the Trustees.

Personal Gain

Trustees/volunteers/employees should not

  • Place themselves under any financial or other obligation to external individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their duties.

  • Act in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves or for any persons connected to them such as family, friends or any organisation that they own, manage or work for or can arise from the Conflict of Interest Policy of the Charity.

  • Accept gifts or hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence them in carrying out their role.

Legal Requirements and Policies

Trustees/volunteers/employees must:

  • Act in accordance with the Charity’s governing documents and ensure that the Charity complies with all applicable laws including Charity Commission regulations, health and safety law, data protection law, right to privacy and any other relevant legislation of the Govt.

  • Abide by organisational policies and procedures including the Charity’s Conflict of Interest policy and declare any conflicts of interest as soon as it arises.

  • Ensure that any expense claims are made in accordance with the Expense Policy.

Leaving the Board

  • A Trustee may be removed for any substantial breach of any part of this Code.

  • Should a Trustee wish to resign, this must be done in writing to the Chair stating the reasons there

30th May 2024

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