Social Media Policy


This policy outlines how EGFR+ UK uses social media to support and communicate with EGFR+ lung cancer patients, their families, and the wider community. It ensures our online activities are productive, respectful, and lawful, reflecting our values and mission.


This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and trustees when using social media related to EGFR+ UK’s activities. It covers both professional use on EGFR+ UK’s channels and personal use when representing or discussing the charity’s work.

Our Social Media Channels

  • Private Facebook Group: For EGFR+ patients and families to share in a supportive environment.

  • Public Facebook and Instagram: For sharing news, community stories, and updates.

  • X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn: For updates and discussions, targeting healthcare professionals and the wider lung cancer community.


Using EGFR+ UK’s Social Media - Official Use

  • Approval Process: All posts must be approved by the marketing trustee to ensure consistency with our brand and mission.

  • Brand Guidelines and Tone of Voice: Content should adhere to our visual and communication style guide, using a compassionate, respectful, and hopeful tone where possible.

  • Responding to Engagement: Engage positively and constructively with our community, respecting diverse opinions and fostering conversation.

  • Objective : All contents for campaigns ( say for change of policies or decisions) or for submitting a petition must align with the objectives of the charity. No campaigns that maybe construed as political will be allowed.

Personal Use of Social Media

  • Distinction Between Personal and EGFR+ UK Views: Clearly state that personal opinions are not representative of EGFR+ UK when discussing related topics.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Do not share confidential information or stories without proper authorisation, respecting the privacy of our members and patients.

Content Creation

  • Accuracy and Credibility: Share only researched, credible, and accurate information to maintain trust and support within our community.

  • Sensitivity: Be mindful of the sensitivity around lung cancer, ensuring content is thoughtful and respectful to all affected.

  • Authorisation for Use of Stories: Obtain explicit consent before sharing personal stories or images, ensuring privacy and respect for individuals’ stories.

Campaigning and Fundraising

  • Purpose-Aligned Campaigning: Ensure campaigns support our goals, are conducted respectfully and within regulatory bounds.

  • Transparent Fundraising: Communicate clearly about the use of funds, adhering to the Code of Fundraising guidelines of the charity.

Handling Negative Comments and Incidents

  • Initial Response: Notify the marketing trustee and charity chair of any negative comments or incidents for a coordinated response.

  • Timely and Considered Responses: Address issues promptly but thoughtfully, aiming to resolve concerns while maintaining respect and empathy.

  • Escalation Process: If the situation escalates, and if appropriate, consult with the research trustee for medical/scientific content and follow the escalation procedure to manage the situation effectively. Escalation is to be actioned through the marketing trustee.

Legal Compliance

  • Lawfulness: Ensure all social media activities comply with legal requirements, including copyright, privacy, and anti-discrimination laws.

  • Benefits and Downsides: Recognise social media's potential to significantly support our work but also be aware of the risks and manage them appropriately.

Reviews and Updates

  • This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to remain relevant to social media trends, legal standards, and the needs of the EGFR+ lung cancer community.

  • This policy will be subject to the Code of Conduct document of the charity and its Conflict of Interest Policy.


By adhering to this policy, we aim to use social media effectively to support, inform, and engage with the EGFR+ lung cancer community, reflecting the values and objectives of EGFR+ UK in all our online interactions.

30th May 2024

EGFR+ UK Policies


fundraising policy - READ MORE

conflict of interest policy - READ MORE

regional ambassadors policy - READ MORE

code of conduct policy - READ MORE

trustee expenses policy - READ MORE

financial control policy - READ MORE